History of the Bible - Deciphering the Past  



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We at History of the Bible endeavour to compile the most robust collection of information about the history of the most popular book ever made - The Bible.




About Us


    This project is ongoing and funded purely by donations and ad revenue. On our website you will learn about the earliest beginnings of the most ancient texts that comprise The Bible.


    You can trace the history of these ancient texts as they evolved through time, as they were translated and transliterated into other languages, from the earliest clues of their existence, to their present day form.


    Compare and contrast the various influences on the evolution of The Bible, from various sects such as Pharisees and Ebionites, to Apostolic Fathers, Doctors of the Church, ancient historians, and Ecclesiastica.


    Investigate dating techniques and determinations of various ancient biblical texts, apocrypha and pseudepigrapha and see for yourself the rich tapestry that is the History of the Bible.


    Learn about various interpretations of The Bible, as they relate to Prophecy, Catholicism, Inerrancy, Eschatology and various other hermeneutics used in deciphering the layered semantics of The Bible.



    Discover copies of ancient manuscripts available for your perusal on our website, and marvel at the magnificence of delicately preserved fragments and codicils comprising elements of early biblical beginnings.


    Enjoy the photos of historical religious art collected and displayed on our website while you reflect about the impact of these artistic creations and their impact on the evolution and significance of The Bible.






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